Non-Law Enforcement Responses to People Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis WATCH RECORDING Counties and cities across the country are looking for innovative ways to respond to 911 calls for service involving people experiencing a mental health crisis. Local leaders are…
Community Portrait: Sheriff Errol Toulon, Jr. This Community Portrait is the fifth in a series highlighting individuals who are championing cross-systems collaboration and data sharing within their jurisdictions to respond to the needs of frequent utilizers of justice,…
Key Stakeholders: Behavioral Health and Social Services Providers This brief is for BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES PROVIDERS, such as clinicians and social workers who deliver mental health or substance abuse treatment and wraparound services (e.g., housing and…
Key Stakeholders: Criminal Justice Coordinators This brief is for CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATORS – positions that are often housed within county justice agencies, county administrative officers or their own county department. Criminal justice coordinators play a…
Key Stakeholders: Courts and Probation This brief is for OFFICERS AND STAFF OF THE COURT AND PROBATION SYSTEMS – positions such as prosecutors, public defenders, probation and pretrial officers, court administrators and judges who have…
Key Stakeholders: Elected Officials This brief is for ELECTED OFFICIALS – positions such as county commissioners, supervisors and executives, as well as mayors and city councils, that make important policy and funding decisions for…
Key Stakeholders: IT and Data Analysts This brief is for DATA ANALYSTS AND IT PROFESSIONALS – positions that navigate various legal, privacy and security concerns and match data across different systems. Data analysts and IT professionals…
Key Stakeholders: Law Enforcement and Corrections This brief is for LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CORRECTIONS PROFESSIONALS – positions that serve as the face of the justice system and are often called to respond to the needs of…
Community Portrait: Dr. Juleigh Nowinski Konchak This Community Portrait is the fourth in a series highlighting individuals who are championing cross-systems collaboration and data sharing within their jurisdictions to respond to the needs of frequent utilizers…
Case Study: Denver City and County, Colo. In 2016, the City and County of Denver (Denver) launched a novel approach to 911 emergency response. By embedding licensed clinicians with police officers, their co-responder program seeks to improve…
Community Portrait: Mike Brouwer This Community Portrait is the third in a series highlighting individuals who are championing cross-systems collaboration and data sharing within their jurisdictions to respond to the needs of frequent utilizers…
Coordinating a System Response to 911 Dispatch WATCH RECORDING Improving crisis response with strategies that divert those with behavioral health needs to appropriate care has become a primary area of focus for both county and city law enforcement. Innovative dispatch strategies include co-responder models with mental health clinicians, mobile…